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18 May 2024

Meet the New Chancellor 

When she was 9 years old, Cynthia, or Cindy, Larive got her first chemistry set for Christmas. She ended up setting her bedspread on fire, but that gift led her on a journey to becoming UC Santa Cruz’s next chancellor.  After her first chemistry set,...

Mid-Year Check-In with SUA Officers 

Fall quarter was rocky for the Student Union Assembly (SUA). Officers mismanaged the budget to fund Sage the Gemini’s campus concert and that information resulted in student ethnic organizations demonstrating to demand transparency. The internal vice president also quit due to personal reasons and needed...

UC to Miss 2020 Zero Waste Goal 

The UC’s zero waste deadline is just around the corner, but last year only 69 percent of total UC waste was diverted from landfills.  A student campaign prompted the UC to create a sustainable practices policy in 2003, and in 2006, the UC established its...

How to Reuse Your Last Issue of CHP 

Reduce, reuse, recycle. It’s the phrase we all learned in elementary school to teach us to recycle, but the reduce and reuse aspects are becoming more important. In January of last year, China stopped accepting most U.S. recycling for processing, and UC Santa Cruz has...
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