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24 Apr 2024

Uncelebrated Wins 

Have you ever felt like all your hard work isn’t good enough? I’m a first-generation student, and my parents constantly ask me about my future. To them, it’s important that I keep working hard to get a degree. It’s easy to gloss over our success...

Please Select One 

I was in third grade when I realized I was biracial. “Please Select One,” I was instructed as I stared down at the race identity section of the STAR test, the tip of my pencil hovering back and forth over circles marked “Asian” and “White.”...

Privilege of Information 

I arrived home after four months of little wifi to “Betsy DeVos and God’s Plan for Schools,” “2,300 U.S. Foreclosures Show a Racial Divide in House Decay,” “Biden, Sanders, Warren: Too Soon for 2020?” “How Social Isolation Is Killing Us,” “What’s hurting California’s budget: The...

Looking Past the Screen 

While I was in Paris, the city experienced flooding so extensive that boats couldn’t fit under bridges. The excess water halted the usual traffic of tourist cruises on the Seine River and museums were closed to save the artwork from water damage. On my way...

Black Lives Are YOUR Future 

  Now that I am entering my senior year at UC Santa Cruz, I have learned firsthand how to navigate the predominantly white institution through the “veil.” The “veil” is a metaphor coined by Dr. W.E.B. DuBois in his novel “The Souls of Black Folk”, which describes how a Black person...
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